Transforming your life through accessing your soul


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I am Raven, a shamanic timeline therapist with over 6 years of experience working with clients and within myself to hone my healing arts.

I have developed a unique healing modality that I call “Shamanic timeline therapy”

This is modality blends the cognitive science behind NLP with the intuitive and spiritual aspects of shamanic journeying and healing.

My area of expertise is in helping people to understand and remove intergenerational and past life trauma distortion around relationships.

This work is also supported by a variety of creative workshops designed to bring out creative expression and self awareness in a safe, supported and magical space.


I offer variety of services including:

1:1 shamanic timeline therapy sessions

A structured 7 week transformation package (with a dedicated ancestral linage focus OR past lives focus)

Land healing and energetic restoration.

Core energy code/ blueprint code restoration (1:1)

Curse removal from ancestral lines (1:1)

Workshops for:

Wand building, Staff building, dream catcher building, smudge fans and totem catchers

Gift cards available

I offer a complimentary, obligation free 20min phone call or message consult to see my work is the right fit for you.

All my work is explored a little more within this website, including testimonials from my clients.

I look forward to our future work together!

emotional freedom

You have the power to change.

Within every challenging experience, there is the opportunity to turn that challenge into a strength.

My story.

When I was in the deepest part of my trauma, I had lost everything to an abusive relationship.

I felt like an “A“ bomb had been dropped on my life and as I struggled to make sense of things I made a promise to myself.

That promise was simple:

I would find a way to not only re-claim my life but to heal so I would never go through that again.

I also swore that my healing would not be just for me but for my children.

I wanted to bring my insights and healing to anyone who was determined to heal so they -and their children- could live a life from choice NOT from trauma.

Over the next 7 years from then on, I learnt counselling, studied psychology as a hobby, learnt about early childhood development, researched neuroplasticity and aspects of quantum physics.

I learnt about resilience, emotional regulation, clear communication and I returned to my innate spirituality that I had abandoned to “fit” into a world that feared it.

I learned about intergenerational trauma and various ways to create safety.

I also followed up my studies by living the experiences each piece of information had to offer.

However, I still didn’t know how how to put it all together as a usable and consistent therapy until I was told about NLP (neuro linguistic programming).

I went on to become an NLP coach and fell in love with timeline therapy.

It was the key to my personal healing.

Yet something in me yearned to offer something more, so I combined timeline therapy with my shamanic practice.

Thus shamanic timeline therapy was born.

Without the biggest setback of my life, I would never have found my divine purpose.

I would not wish that on anyone, I believe there are many other routes to finding purpose without trauma.

However my passion is to help those who hold trauma in their bodies and life experiences to find their personal power.

To assist them to bring into reality their desire to live in inner peace and discover their own unique brilliance.

Just like diamonds come from the intense pressure of their environment, you too deserve to seen in your full rare and valuable diamond beauty.

what is intergenerational trauma?

Intergenerational trauma is the genetic imprint of trauma left encoded in our DNA as genetic memory.

Genetic memory forms the basis of who we are and how we perceive ourselves within our home environment and in the world.

Our genetic memory plays a role in how safe we feel to be ourselves, the types of relationships we attract and contributes to our karma.

We usually live our lives unaware of the genetic memory we carry, yet we live by its imprint none the less.

When a traumatic or painful event occurs, it is recorded in our genetic memory.

Similarly, when powerful positive things happen to us, that too is recorded in our genetic memory.

There are countless studies on genetic memory in humans, plants and animals.

It is the negative impacts that often leave us feeling helpless to change, shackled to being a certain way forever.

This where shamanic timeline therapy supports your healing journey by taking advantage of the flow of time, to become free of mental slavery.

“What was written in your DNA in the past can be re-written in the present.

Time is not a straight line, it flows through every moment simultaneously.

The trick is knowing how to use it to your advantage.

~ Raven”

FAQs about Shamanic timeline therapy

What is shamanic timeline therapy?

Shamanic timeline therapy combines the concepts of timeline therapy together with the mystical elements of shamanic journeying- without the plant medicine

How do the emotional patterns get released and healed from retrieving the memory?

Each experience we have, weather it is experienced as good or bad holds a core message that sums up the learning of the lesson it was meant to teach us.

This message is ALWAYS a positive one that stems from love.

In our daily lives it is often hard to decern the positive lesson when trauma has been involved.

Thus the unlearnt purpose of the experience is imprinted into our genetic memory until it can resolved through the understanding of the lesson in a positive way.

This is how karma is created, through unresolved and imbalanced experiences.

Through the process of memory retrieval, an understanding of the context is offered.

This often provides links to various aspects of your life experience.

We then retrieve the positive message of the remembered experience that then creates the release of the emotional patterning associated with it.

This process creates stable and permanent change in how life is experienced.

How does the shamanic aspect tie in with timeline therapy?

The shamanic aspect allows me to tap into the unique frequency that is connected to you and the specific area you wish to heal.

Each emotion has a very specific frequency.

To understand this, think about the water experiments don by Dr Emoto.

(If your are unfamiliar with this, you can search it up on google as Dr Emoto water experiment)

While the water experiment focuses on the effects of emotions on water, it also demonstrates that there is a direct wave form of energy that is associated with each emotion.

With this understanding it makes sense that one can “tune in” to that frequency.

Many of us do it every day subconsciously when we walk into a room and feel the vibe.

Another example is when we meet someone or go somewhere that feels like home or perhaps that person or place feels uncomfortable.

That is what I tune into, combining your unique soul feeling with the emotional feeling, gives me a “thread” to work with.

I then teach you how to use your own feeling sense to journey with me along you timeline.

This also helps in the retrieval of forgotten or unknown memories.

What is timeline therapy?

Timeline therapy is based on giving context to the sequence of events experienced in life or in the past.

Understanding the pre-cursers to subsequent events can help us to make sense of what has occurred in a logical way.

This also provides us with insights into the behaviors and choices of the people around us.

This is especially helpful to understand family.

When we can understand the events that lead them to become who they are, get gain insight and develop compassion for them.

This in turn creates insight and compassion for ourselves.

Through a timeline we can explore the nuances of the way time flows in an omnidirectional sense rather than a strictly linear sense as we are often taught.

All this is achieved in a very simplified and easy to follow way.

I will guide you through the whole process.

Are these sessions safe?

Yes, these sessions are very safe and do not require any form of plant medicine.

There is full control for the client to feel empowered through every step.

Setting up a comfortable and respectful space is important.

I am a counsellor with metal health training also.

I offer deep compassion, non judgement and sensitivity at all times.

Cultural awareness is also a very big part of work.

While I do not know everything about all cultures, I am open to learn and expand my broad knowledge base.

Client privacy is respected at all times and NEVER disclosed to others unless requested by the client.

You have the ability to transform

If I was worthy of being accepted then where did my old idea of myself being unworthy, fit in with this new understanding?

I had to face the fact that my life experience until now was partially created by me based on how i saw myself.

It took courage to accept that and allow my belief system to transform from the pain of non acceptance into the joy of acceptance.

It all started inside me, just like everything in your experience starts inside you and can transform from inside YOU too!.

This is not just a “me’ thing it is something that anyone can do, if they choose to challenge the fear wrapped up in their sense of identity.

Many people never reach their full potential because fear holds them back.

It isn’t always a conscious fear, more often it sits quietly in the background disguised as our sense of self.

Our sense of self, our self identity, can be a tricky aspect to work with.

What we consider as a ‘fixed’ aspect of ‘who we are’ often amounts to being just a small part of who we truly are.

For me growing up with spiritual gifts of insight, telepathy and deep connections to land, I was viewed as being ‘weird’ and some how ‘different’ to everyone else.

I simply did not fit into what was expected of me.

As a result I felt unworthy of being accepted and unconditionally loved.

That compounded many other personal challenges growing up.

Yet I came to see, as I worked through those traumas and beliefs that my view on who I was changed too.

I had to face the fear of being MORE than who I had come to believe myself to be.

Past lives

It is easy to wonder what the relevance of remembering your past life could possibly have in relation to your life now.

I can say from my own personal experience that what seems like a novelty concept actually holds many understandings that are linked from the past to the present.

By understanding our past life or past lives, we get to understand why we chose (at a subconscious soul level) the family we were born into and the various trials we have faced.

Bare in mind it is more than just remembering a past life, it is taking that journey of memory with someone who can help support you on that journey.

To help you metaphorically ‘join the dots’ to see the bigger picture.

With my extensive experience both with clients and on my own journey, I can guide, retrieve memories with you and support the integration process to help you make sense of it all.

Land work

Land work is all about healing the land from trauma that has taken place on it.

The earth/land is a lot like a very large body.

Land has its own energy meridians- main energy lines called ley lines as well as secondary and tertiary energy lines.

Land has nexus points (meeting points) of energy similar to chakras in the human body.

There are main core chakras and secondary chakra points in the physical land ‘body’ as well as connection to the subtle/ etheric layers of energy too.

Just like a human body, traumatic events become stored in the earth/land body as energetic imprints.

In addition souls of humans and animals who died as a result of violence can also become stuck in the land where they died creating hot spots for negative spiritual activity.

Land is also the home to nature spirits such as faerie, indigenous faeries (in Australia there is a distinction between the two species). dryads, little people, gnomes, hairy men and to human ancestral spirits of the first nations peoples to name a few examples.

It is also important to note that trees can also hold significant memory, maintain positive energy flow and even become ‘bodies’ /vessels for spirits (both positive and negative) to inhabit.

Land clearing for roads, housing and resources can create significant trauma to the land and the spirits that reside in it.

My shamanic skill sets of energy reading in the land, including seeing where the key energy points and lines have been broken or suffered trauma, couple with my ability to commune with nature spirits and ancestral spirits alike to bring about resolution and offer deep healing on every level to the land.

Benefits of land work

The benefits of land work affect the entire ecosystem and living environment.

Plants and trees grow quicker and stronger after land work is performed, this is especially good if your growing your own food.

Wildlife becomes more abundant and a feeling peace settles onto the land.

For the people it results in feeling more at ease in the home and on the property.

Remove psychic attacks, bad luck and anomalies such as things moving on their own or getting that strange feeling of being ‘watched’.

Significantly reduced levels of stress and anxiety also occurs and even challenging situations become easier to deal with as solutions become forth coming.

Protection of the home, property and people is also ensured.

Core energetic codes.

What are core energetic codes?

Core energetic codes are the blueprints for the body and they link us to the Akashic records as well as to our genetic memories.

Each code set serves a specific function, much like the coding for a computer program.

Just like a computer program, errors can occur via corruption caused by negative spiritual influences and via ancestral and/or past life trauma events.

The good news is that I have a very unique skill set to be able to perceive these codes and remove the corruption, restoring their original highest and best code sets along with the removal of karmic loops associated with the corruption.

Please note, this is only performed with full consent in session space- for the highest and best good for all concerned- and only offered if needed or requested.


Please ensure that before you allow ANYONE (including me) to view your core energy codes and edit them in any way, ask your self if it is right for you and soul development.


If you feel uneasy, uncertain or feel physically sick or crampy in your belly then this means NO from your higher self.

That intuitive response is true in ALL aspects of decision making, not just in spiritual decisions.

I will ALWAYS honor a NO response (no questions asked just a complete acceptance) as my job is to heal and support, nothing more.


Your intuition is a inbuilt in 6th sense.

Also referred to as a gut feeling, it is your guide post when it comes to making decisions.

Your body is a super sensitive antennae to the subtle levels of energy that surround us every day.

You can get a sense of a place or person that may not make much logical sense, yet somehow you just know.

Sometimes that feeling is positive and is characterized by feeling calm, at ease, safe, supported, happy and comfortable or excited in your body.

Sometimes that sense feels negative and is characterized by feeling uncomfortable, ill at ease, anxious, unsafe and feeling nauseous in the belly or feeling cramping in the lower abdomen.

Your intuition is the part of you that is always connected to your higher self and reacts to the most subtle shifts in energy.

One of the biggest disservices we can do to ourselves is to ignore our intuition.

Ignoring your intuition can lead to so many detrimental situations.


Moving past the heavy emotions

Sometimes we can feel blocked from our intuition due to heavy emotions that seem to invade our whole being.

What do I mean by “heavy” emotions?

Heavy emotions are feelings such as grief. anxiety, fear, depression and low feelings of self worth.

It can so look like not fitting in with family, feeling isolated and desperate for loving connections.

These are all indications of something unconscious that needs loving attention.

Each heavy emotion can be our guide to our healing simply by leaning into the feeling.

Allow the narrative to unfold and the memories then ask your guides/higher self to show you the POSITIVE message that will allow it to be released.

Write down and repeat those messages until you feel relaxation in your body.